Dico meca

Dico meca

A dictionnary project for mechanical terms

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Cale à poncer | Sanding block

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Last update: 15 March 2019

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Cale à poncer


Outil - instrument - machine 


Pièce en bois, en liège, en plastique ou en caoutchouc servant à recevoir un abrasif afin de poncer à la main à plat d'une manière uniforme.

Sanding block


Tool - instrument - machine 


Block used to hold sandpaper. In its simplest form, it is a block of wood or cork with one smooth flat side. The user wraps the sandpaper around the block, and holds it in place (by inserting a fitted piece of cardboard under the sandpaper, one can soften the impact on the wood and protect against tears or uneven wear on the sandpaper). Sanding blocks are helpful because they prevent the "waves" created by plain sandpaper.
