Dico meca

Dico meca

A dictionnary project for mechanical terms

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Assemblage à queue d'aronde | Dovetail joint

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Last update: 15 March 2019

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Assemblage à queue d'aronde


Travail du bois 


Assemblage de menuiserie basé sur le principe de la queue-d'aronde, forme typique délardée des tenons et mortaises.

Dovetail joint




Joinery technique most commonly used in woodworking joinery (carpentry) and traditional timber framing. Noted for its resistance to being pulled apart (tensile strength). A series of 'pins' cut to extend from the end of one board interlock with a series of 'tails' cut into the end of another board. The pins and tails have a trapezoidal shape. Once glued, a wooden dovetail joint requires no mechanical fasteners.
